April 2, 2009

Ann Coulter's "Research"

Via MediaMatters:
Ann Coulter fell for a fake April Fools' Day article by Car and Driver that claimed President Obama ordered GM and Chrysler to cease their participation in NASCAR because it is an "unnecessary expenditure."
I am giggling as I type this out. Really really giggling.

Here is the column at Human Events. As of this writing (11:30am on April 2) the gaffe is still there:
If Obama can tell GM and Chrysler that their participation in NASCAR is an "unnecessary expenditure," isn't having public schools force students to follow Muslim rituals, recite Islamic prayers and plan "jihads" also an "unnecessary expenditure"?
USAToday had the story about Car and Driver:
Car and Driver later pulled the fake story (which estimated savings of $250 million between the manufacturers) and apologized for "going too far" while noting the magazine " has a proud tradition of irreverent editorial and we amplify that each year with our April Fool's Day joke."
How long before it's all blamed on Obama anyway?


  1. she's an idiot thar gets paid way too much if she did no research on this story before yakking

  2. Yep. The woman has no sense whatsoever.

  3. Car and Driver has at least gotten a lot of publicity for their Nascar April Fool's stunt; the question is -- is bad publicity better than no publicity at all?
