April 8, 2009

I'm still here, Fred

It was brought to my attention that conservative KDKA Radio personality Fred Honsberger announced on air this afternoon that he read or heard that I had left this blog and that it should be renamed "One Political Junkie."

While it's true that I have not blogged much lately (for a variety of personal reasons) perhaps Fred is referring to a post that I wrote last week which read in part:
  • Starting tomorrow, I will be posting exclusively at Twitter -- no more blogging here at 2pj (You can find me at Twitter here). Words are the enemy! Also, I'm really, really happy that I wasn't laid off yesterday along with many of my co-workers.
  • If that's the case, Fred should have noticed that the post was written on the 1st of April and that the links led to a Wikipedia page for "April Fool." (He should have also been tipped off by the Sen. Bob Casey "quote" wherein Casey labels Blue Dog Dems as "that bunch of obstructionist douches.")