April 9, 2009

Tonight on Pintek

From Mike Pintek's Facebook announcement for the 9 O'Clock hour:
And at 9... Dr. Jamie Glazov...born in the Soviet Union...explains why the Left hates America and loves tyrants

Some highlights. I was taking notes so these aren't exact quotations. Glazov started by discussing the disease of anti-Americanism that is currently running the country. And went on to "explain" it by saying that the America that the left loves isn't the America that exists.

I am not sure what that means, though. He also said that the Left is trying to perpetrate a revolution. Though he didn't really explain himself there much either. That might be more Pintek's fault than Glazov's though.

The range of Glazov's irrationality is stunning. Chas Freeman, Nixon's chief interpreter in China, G.H.W. Bush's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm, is a "radical leftist."

The big stuff, Glazov left for "the left." Did you know that:

Leftists hate America. They're people that benefit from freedom but yet hate freedom.

Oh and The Left was "happy" about Ground Zero. And loved Adolf Hitler until the Third Reich invaded Stalinist Russia.

Glazov also said that The Left hates humanity but is perpetrating a revolution because it wants paradise on Earth. But in order to MAKE a new Earthly paradise, The Left has to destroy what's already ON Earth.

So therefore The Left has an Agenda to "destroy" America and Western Civilization.

Mike didn't challenge him much on any of this, by the way.

I was sad to hear all this. If the events of the past week are any indication, when you feed teh crazie, you shouldn't be surprised when the fringe erupts violently.

So sad Mike Pintek doesn't also realize this.

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