June 10, 2009

Shepard Smith: A tiny ray of light on Fox News

First up: Shep on the DHS report and the Holocaust Museum shooting: "It was a warning to us all, and it appears now they were right."

Next: He calls out "more and more frightening" Fox e-mailers.

Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Smith will someday realize that those scary, scary people who email him are Fox's base audience and that they are the base audience because Fox pushes tea-bag revolutions and unrelenting and over-the-top criticisms of President Obama and all things liberal/Democratic.


  1. He actually put out some actual fair and balanced coverage in the Schiavo case.

    I also remember him freaking out covering Katrina and refusing to keep to wingnut talking points. If I recall correctly, he was responding to Hannity's questions with monotone, monosyllabic answers. I'm sure we had a video of it somewhere on 2pj.

  2. Anti-Semites and Neo-nazis make up the base of the Fox viewership?

  3. Didn't say that. But apparently from the mail Shep is getting it is made up of birthers, people who believe that government is the enemy, and that REAL Americans all bow down to the same God.
