June 22, 2009

Three things you can do in the next two days


1. Call your PA state senator today about Sen. Eichelberger's outrageous statement that "We’re allowing them [gays] to exist."

Here's a link to find your senator. More details on this story here.

(Your calls and emails are working! We've got hits today on our original post from: Commonwealth of PA, PA Senate, and US Senate Sergeant at Arms. Please keep the pressure on!)


1. Attend The Citizens Police Review Board meeting (and the press conference) tomorrow.

There are some very real issues being raised about how police respond to incidents of domestic violence spurred by the Donna Williams case. Details on this case here and here.

Citizen Police Review Board Meeting
June 23, 2009, 6:00 PM (Please attend the press conference at 5:30 PM before the meeting)
Freedom Unlimited Building
2201 Wylie Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

2. Attend the Pittsburgh Peace Vigil for Iran tomorrow.

Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Time: 8:00-9:30 PM (dark)
Location: Market Square, downtown Pittsburgh, PA

This will be a quiet/silent show of support for the historic democratic movement now underway in Iran, and for those who have given their lives in the name of their cause. Please bring a flashlight.

More details here.


  1. Maria,

    Thank you for always helping to spread the word.

    Gloria Forouzan

  2. Watching a person get shot and bleed to death on youtube really makes you think about how nice we have it. I will be there to show my support.

  3. For those who may have not seen it and want to -- warning: it is very graphic -- you can view Neda Agha-Soltan's death here.

    Better still, you can read about what her family and friends say about her life here.

  4. I apologize for not being able to attend the events tomorrow, but I will post to my FB page and Tweet it out tonight.

    If you tweet tomorrow, from your events, and I have my 'Berry, then I will RT everything you send out from the events, ok?

    Thank you, and know that I support such courageous activism in our community, in our world.

    Thank you.

  5. Chuck,

    I'm going to the Citizens Review Board meeting...don't know if I'll be able to make it over to the Vigil from there. Plus, no laptop/Blackberry/etc. so no live blogging or tweeting for me.

  6. Looks like I'll be going to the vigil after all. Will post photos from both events when I get back.
