July 7, 2009

Palin and the Media

Just a reminder that while soon-to-be-ex Gov. Sarah "Quitter" Palin is now threatening to sue anyone in the media -- including bloggers -- who dare to criticize her, she hasn't always had much empathy towards those who were on the receiving end of hits from the MSM.

Palin calling Hillary Clinton a whiner:



  1. Forget what? A flimsily sourced conservative charge about John Kerry, or Sarah Palin's recent incoherent whining (placed nicely in context by her comments concerning Hillary Clinton)?

    The only sane thing for a Republican or conservative to do with respect to Sarah Palin these days is to put her (figuratively) on a chunk of ice and float her toward the horizon.

  2. Heir, the only defamation lawsuit related to the SwiftLiars was a suit filed by Carlton Sherwood, the producer of the smear film called "Stolen Honor". He got his knickers in a knot after Kerry (truthfully) called him an "extreme right-wing activist".

    Needless to say, the suit was thrown out of court (and Sherwood immediately went on Faux News to whine about it).

  3. SwiftLiars
    "I have that memory which is seared -- seared -- in me"
    Kerry's Cambodia Whopper

  4. I have no problem with valid criticism of a candidate's positions. What is particularly appalling about the leftist's attacks on Sarah Palin is/are the absolute viscious and untruthful smears..

    Seems as though the leftists women cannot stand a strong Conservative woman.. the same with leftist men (?).. actually, some Republicans, the "elites", fall into the same categories... you have liberal bloggers speading rumors about FBI investigations (NOT TRUE), etc.

    You liberals will believe anything about a Conservative, yet put your blinders on with regards to serious questions about your man, the Messiah, the "chosen One", 0bama... thereby proving you believe the ends justify the means. Vacuous, at best. [Look that up in your Funk & Wagnells.]

    Sarah Palin IS REAL AMERICA... go to any locale outside the liberal urban cesspools and you will probably find that to be true.. Sarah Plain is not your typical politician. Sarah Palin is the strong woman-type that many on the left FEAR. Know why? She would kick your a**... twice on Sunday.

    I'm a 54-yo male and I have NO problem with Sarah Palin, a true Conservative.

    Who knows what Sarah Palin's plans are? Don't care.. will support her in any decision she makes.. although, I anticipate her campaigning for Past Toomey, Marc Rubio (FL), Micheal Williams (TX).. Conservatives I have given $$ and will give more $$.. no doubt, there will be others.

  5. CM,

    As per the last census, over 79% of the nation lives in "liberal urban cesspools" and are therefore, according to you, not "real" Americans. I can see how this might have driven you over the edge. So many, many fake Americans -- the vast majority of the country. I just don't know how you can bear to go on surrounded by unreal Americans. it must take a real toll on you. My sympathies are with you.

  6. Oh yeah, speaking of "urban cesspools" I guess you forgot that Wasilla sits in the "Meth Capital of Alaska."


  7. Kerry volunteered for service, volunteered to be a Swift Boat officer (he thought it would mean coastal patrols, but he got assigned to the more dangerous river patrols). Were the injuries he sustained enough to warrant a Purple Heart? Well, that’s not for me to say; the Navy thought they were. As for the Silver Star, the Navy determined he had earned it. Kerry was from a somewhat wealthy family, but his father was only Foreign Service Officer, so the Navy was not trying to do a favor for a connected person. As for the Cambodian thing, like Bill Clinton with the Kosovo thing Kerry may have been mistaken or remembering wrong. I believe that Kerry did see horrors during his time in Vietnam and heard about many more. It also took courage to speak out against the war afterwards, to a very divided country (much more so than today’s red state/blue state scuffle). For that you give us low rent conservative opinion pieces, HTTP.

    CM, you have no problem with legitimate criticism of candidates, but you label “leftist’s” attacks as “absolute viscious and untruthful smears”. Well, maybe there is this sophisticated intellect in there that would see the difference between a private health cooperative and a public health plan, or would understand the negatives associated with private administration of Medicare plans (which are more expensive and yet require government subsidies), but the face she presented to the world was of a woman who refused to name newspapers she reads (maybe the question was insulting, but it was even more insulting not to give an answer and show herself the better candidate, like she criticized Hillary Clinton for not doing). The face she showed the public was the one that included in her foreign policy experience that she was governor of a state that has an island that can see Russia, off in the distance.

    In point of fact, Conservative Mountaineer, you are showing contempt for people who live in the city limits of Pittsburgh, by implying that we are not real Americans, not to mention the urban cesspool remark. More Americans live in urban areas, because that’s where the jobs are. You are giving us the “some pigs are more equal” BS, as way of weaseling out of discussing issues. I asked you for proof that only some people believe in climate change, and you ignored me. Don’t tell me about valid criticism of positions, not when the republicans are simply being negative in Congress without presenting any kind of alternatives. The Republicans are telling the world that conservatism is an empty suit, devoid of any kind of intelligence or thought. And Sarah Palin is leading that charge.

  8. "Real American?" Code for rural, white, Christian. And that's what makes it so ridiculous, because so many people in this country aren't any of those things.

    Palin deserves everything she gets. You walk out on the national stage, you have better have a thick skin. She wants all the advantages of celebrity without any of the downside.

    Let's face it; this woman couldn't even manage to give a coherent "I'm quitting" speech. How hard is that?

    Her decision is nothing more than a money grab...in the true spirit of her big business GOP buds.

  9. Give me a break, CM.

    If Sarah Palin is "real America," how come America's voters rejected her?

    And do you know who is giving Sarah such grief up in Alaska? Republicans, who control the state legislature.

    You've also apparently forgotten the decade Republicans spent hounding the Clintons with one baseless charge after another.

    and you know what? the Clintons never quit.

    Unlike some people.

  10. I think everyone needs a little Saturday morning refresher. Excerpt from the following video:

    You simply melt right in,
    It doesn't matter what your skin.
    It doesn't matter where you're from,
    Or your religion, you jump right in
    To the great American melting pot.
    The great American melting pot.
    Ooh, what a stew, red, white, and blue.


    Let's stop with the these people are REAL Americans and these people aren't...shall we? All I know is that proposing that someone or another is a REAL American and that others are not is decidely UN-AMERICAN.
