July 3, 2009

What Will Jack Kelly Say?

Given that our good friend Jack is a huge Palin booster from way back, we wonder how long it'll take for him to blame her resignation on:
  1. The Obama administration
  2. The liberal media
  3. Our permissive culture
  4. ACORN
  5. Liberals in general
  6. All of the above.
Only time will tell.


  1. I heard she's taking a position with the governor's office in CA. A budgetary advisor , I believe.

  2. Smitty.. Yuk, yuk. A word of advice.. Don't quit your day job.

  3. Jack will say that she did the right thing.....because he wants to keep it going ... because like Rusho, Billo and the rest , he is an entertainer ! he won't say what he says because he believes it , he says it beacause it sells...to that lunatic fringe !

  4. There is scandal behind this...I predict a bull moose and sex.

  5. He'll blame it on mean old David Letterman.
