August 7, 2009

Judge Sonia Sotomayer Confirmed by Senate for Supreme Court

Sotomayor was confimed by a vote of 68 to 31.

She will be the first Hispanic member of the Supreme Court and only the third woman.

She'lll be sworn in on Saturday.


  1. i'm glad.
    i never thought she was a liberal judge, tho i would have been happier had she been.

    so, i was really mad that the republicans went after her like they did because it looked exactly like what it was- a bunch of white guys that were nervous and p'o.

  2. All 31 "No" votes were Republicans.

    I'd love to hear them, particularly John McCain, explain how they could vote for Sarah Palin for VP, but not for Justice Sotomayor for the Supreme Court.

  3. Kimber45- that is a GREAT question... how many schools to Sotomayor have to go to for her undergrad?

    Smart chicks are elitists, I guess...
