August 12, 2009

Lil Ricky Santorum running for president? Yes, please!

According to Politico, Santorum is dipping his toes in the 2010 Iowa waters (see here).

My first question, of course, is will he be running as a Pennsylvanian or a Virginian?

I know that that elections officials ruled last year that he was eligible to vote in PA. I know that he claims that Penn Hills PA is his residence. I know that he says that he lives with his family. And, I know that his eldest daughter graduated from a high school in Virginia this spring. I know that because my nephew was one of her classmates. So, I guess we all know that she commuted about 250 miles each way -- 500 miles each day -- five days a week to attend school.

But aside from that wouldn't, say, a Santorum-Palin or Palin-Santorum be a dream ticket?

I mean for bloggers like me, it'd be a dream ticket (hard to say if Ricky or Lukey is my true muse). Selfish of me I know. But there it is.

Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Separated at Birth

And, there's this.




  1. Oh for the good old days when we got a hit from The Sergeant at Arms of the Senate everytime we blogged on Lil Ricky!

  2. Oh, PLEEZE let this be true!

    Rick Santorum was a never-ending source of blog-material.

    Oh, PLEEZE, PLEEZEPLEEZEPLEEZE let this be true!

  3. Palin and Ricky! Together at last! Takin' it on the road...

    Dog Boy and Wolf Woman!
    Barracuda and Butthead!
    Dumb and Dumber!

    At the very least, Rick won't have to pretend he lives in Pittsburgh!

    It should be fun!

  4. I heard a rumor that Tricky Ricky is buying a house in Iowa so he can run in the caucus as Iowa's favorite son. Any truth to it?
