August 14, 2009

Netroots Nation 09 - Photos from Day One

Georgia Berner from at the Women's Caucus

Fadia Halma, Politcal Director, Pennsylvania Democratic Party at the Women's Caucus (in purple)

The Other Political Junkie and Post-Gazette's Tony Norman and my camera functioning poorly

The Post-Gazette's Mackenzie Carpenter

The Post-Gazette's Tim McNulty

As always: What Digby Said (

Braddock Mayor John Fetterman and Celeste Taylor from

PA Rep. Chelsa Wagner talking about redistricting

Pam Spaulding from takes one for the blog

The crowd waits for The Big Dog

Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato running for governor talking about our region

Surprisingly this was taken before the heckler. Someone shouted out about Don't Ask Don't Tell. By the time that Clinton finished answering Lane Hudson, Hudson gave Clinton a Standing O.

This way to the party at The Warhol

Franco "Dok" Harris outside The Warhol

1 comment:

  1. it's nice getting to see people other than in their bio pics.

    i saw the cliton speech- he was great.
