August 19, 2009

One More Reason to Love Barney Frank

NOTE: I haven't been blogging lately because what started out the first day of Netroots Nation as an annoying sinus thingy (perhaps a summer cold/allergies) turned out to be a nasty, raging infection. I've been taking antibiotics since Monday and am starting to get better (missed the Friday and Saturday NN parties). I'll try to start really blogging again soon. Make sure you check out all the great photos Spork took (scroll down at his blog).


  1. Oh, she's a wingnut.. Not.. she's a LaRouche Democrat.. facts are really nasty, you know.

  2. Hope you feel better soon!


    PS: CM - And David Duke's a Republican, right?

  3. CM, do you denounce the comparisons of Obama to Hitler, or do you simly enjoy them?

  4. Ed... Have you stopped beating your wife?

    Two can play this game.

  5. Suddenly after eight years of comparing the sitting president to Hitler democrats decide it's really bad to compare the sitting president to Hitler.

  6. This quote covers it.
    New proof that all town-hall protesters are racist: Guy tears up woman’s Rosa Parks poster
    A “Larger Truth” brought to you by the same nutroots liars who now insist that eight years of Bush = Hitler rhetoric was fringe stuff that shouldn’t be used to tar the entire left

  7. Yes, CM, I would certainly describe spousal abuse and violence against women as a game.

    I realize the LaRouche has made the connection between Obama and Hitler. He apparently calls himself a Democrat yet I doubt anyone who is not one of his followers would want to claim him as a Democrat.

    I don't see how you can necessarily draw the conclusion that the woman in the video is a LaRouche Democrat, but even granting that, it appears you think that means you shouldn't have to agree that the linking of Obama and Hitler is absolutely wrong and should be condemned.

    Of course, if you want to avoid the appearance of even a sliver of actually having an open mind ...

    HTTT, that story is apparently pretty new and information about what actually happened is still coming in. I would agree that calling the man who did the poster snatch and balling up a "low life teabagger" is probably too extreme, especially this early. On the other hand, one report is saying the crowd was yelling at these town women when they had the posters unrolled, so they rolled them up. It sounds like some fraction of the crowd was being pretty intimidating, possibly.

  8. (Other) Ken and HTTT...

    What's reeealy humorous is that the woman is a LaRouche DEMOCRAT, not someone on the Right. I would suspect many of the suspected "Nazi" claims are being made by those on the Left trying to dis-credit the Right and/or opponents of ObamaCare, including...

    the Nazi symbol graffiti on the sign of the black Georgia congresscritter.

  9. Again CM, any proof the woman is a LaRouche Democrat? I am really curious.

    And by the way, did you notice how HTTT tried to change the subject away from the topic of the post? Something he does all the time.

    Something about the pot calling the kettle African American ...

  10. Proof, facts, truth. None of these items are in a fascist repertoire such as CM's. It would take one to read, study,investigate to find out what the truth is. That is way too much work for CM to undertake. Fascist like CM have barely enough energy to turn on a radio or tv to listen to the suicider (Beck) or the drug addict (Limbaugh), to get his information. So Mr. Heath do not hold your breath waiting for proof from CM. There will be none forth coming.
