August 4, 2009

Super Bob Does It Again!

From The Busman's Holiday, Bob Mayo gets an unambiguous statement from Congressman Tim Murphy regarding President Obama's citizenship. Here it is:
Here is Congressman Murphy's position: President Obama is a natural-born citizen of the United States, period."
Bob explains:
That unambiguous statement comes from Congressman Tim Murphy's Chief of Staff for Media Relations in Washington DC, Susan Mosychuk. She was returning my call, in which I asked whether Murphy had sent out any messages to constituents on this topic.
There you have it. Congressman Tim Murphy IS NOT A BIRTHER.

I am happy he cleared that up. Happy to be corrected.

Bob's next two paragraphs, since they involve this blog, require a response:
Both MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show and the Pittsburgh area blog 2 Political Junkies reported that Congressman Murphy sent a lengthy message to some constituents acknowledging the concerns of those who question President Obama's citizenship, but not taking a stand himself on the matter. Chief of Staff Mosychuk told me that Murphy's office has done no mailing on this topic; she says that the congressman is focused on the issue of health care.

When I pressed and asked whether Congressman Murphy had sent out any e-mails on the subject, Mosychuk said she would not respond to blogs or videos that have appeared on the Internet. When I asked the chief of staff whether she was saying the alleged message from Congressman Murphy was bogus or a fabrication, she chose not to answer directly. She instead repeated her statement: "Congressman Murphy's position is that President Obama is a natural-born U.S. Citizen".
We've got the e-mail headers - and we've sent them to Bob.

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