August 4, 2009

WAPO Pulls Hillary "Mad Bitch" Beer Video

Dana Milbank and Chris Cillizza have been offering up a video segment at The Washington Post website called "Mouthpiece Theater." Generally, it's just juvenile and deeply unfunny. The last edition, however, crossed over into pure ugly.

Their spoof of the "Beer Summit" included the line "We won't tell you who's getting a bottle of Mad Bitch" with a flashed photo of Hillary Clinton (because as we learned during the primary it's not wrong to call a bitch a bitch if she's a bitch - ugh).

The segment received enough criticism that WAPO decided to pull the video. You can still see it in all it's gory glory courtesy of Media Matters:


1 comment:

  1. I have to say that I think Hillary should not be exempt from satire, but it should skewer her failings as a person (perhaps competitive or wonkish policy nerd) rather than taking a cheap and easy gender-based shot. I realize even saying Hillary is competitive treads on dangerous ground, playing on an emerging stereotype of women executives. On the other hand, I think she is competitive, although since so many politicians are that is almost saying nothing.

    I get nervous when serious reporters do satire as a sideline. It’s one thing if it is a news media once a year benefit, but if you put out regular videos, then people are going to stop wanting to talk to you. Plus in this case Dana Milbank and Chris Cillizza showed a troubling comfortableness with sexism.

    And Dana is a girl’s name. He’s a girl.
