August 9, 2009

Well, It's Something

From the LA Times:
U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. is poised to appoint a criminal prosecutor to investigate alleged CIA abuses committed during the interrogation of terrorism suspects, current and former U.S. government officials said.

A senior Justice Department official said that Holder envisioned an inquiry that would be narrow in scope, focusing on "whether people went beyond the techniques that were authorized" in Bush administration memos that liberally interpreted anti-torture laws.
A start, but not enough. They can't (or shouldn't be allowed to) hide behind "we were just following orders."

Torture is a crime. Investigate and prosecute the crime.


  1. I have little hope for this. Looks like nothing but window dressing. Funny how it takes all this time to even start an investigation, which then helps to limit the chances it'll do any good -- as more time passes and more of them have the ability to get away with "I don't remember." Call me cynical....

  2. i am so ashamed of our justice system right now.
