September 14, 2009

More Bleating From Santorum About Running For Prez

Lil Ricky is at it again.

Speaking to a room full of prominent US Catholic leaders Friday night, Senator Rick Santorum was challenged to run for the Republican Presidential nominaion. Responding to a room already thick with applause, Santorum revealed that he was indeed "thinking about it" but asked for prayers and detailed his thinking on the matter.


" a father, I've got to think about whether they are going to have a country to live in … Are they going to be able to practice their faith in a way that's consistent with what the Church teaches."


In closing he said that while he was "thinking about it", it is the first time his ambition which is, as he said, "in his DNA" was checked by a resistance saying, "no, I'm not sure." [Emphasis added]
So, that means that somehow Obama is going to prevent Lil Ricky's kids from being "able to practice their faith in a way that's consistent with what the Church"? I guess the wingnuts got it wrong. I guess that a health care reform bill doesn't want to just pay for abortions, it wants to mandate abortions (but I'm sure just for white ladies).

(h/t to Think Progress)


  1. Rick has DNA? Doesn't that indicate that he may have certain qualities that are passed down over time, you know, like in his GENES? How can that be? Didn't we all just get plopped down here 6000 years ago? I'm sorry, but I'm confused.

    Besides, RIck has zero chance. He's got the worst possible religious background, particularly with anyone in the South. He's a Catholic in Christian clothing (you know, until the Rapture, when his undies will be found in Penn Hills) and that just won't play with them....

    But Ricky is a narcissist and he'll keep speechifying until the last wingnut moves on to someone else. As long as they have folding green, he'll be there...

  2. he's like a tooth that's been going bad slowly till you need a root canal at 3.a.m!
