October 21, 2009

2nd Pittsburgh Mayoral Debate Tonight

WHAT: Pittsburgh Mayoral Debate
WHEN: Tonight, Wednesday, October 21, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
WHERE: On your teevee (WTAE)


  1. No analysis yet? That's about as lively as they come--at least the assault Mr. Acklin put on Mayor Luke.

    If Mr. Acklin is correct and the charges of corruption are true, Mr. Ravenstahl should be ousted.

  2. Where is the WTAE TV web re-broadcast of the debate? Ask for it -- with me.

  3. @Tacitus: I'll have something up soon.

    @Mark: I agree that they should post it.

  4. Yes, ousted and replaced with the most qualified candidate left. Franco Dok Harris demonstrated that he is that candidate last night.
    Here are my comments from the PG's awful "endorsement" from last Sunday: http://community.post-gazette.com/forums/t/21935.aspx

  5. It also looks like Acklin's attempt to toss out the competition might work this time (he failed to beat Harris and is now behind in votes). This might clear a path for Harris to win.
    The DA should investigate these "we need a team" emails immediately. The public deserves to know before election day if the rumors (which have been around for years) of the puppetmasters in Ravenstahl's office are true.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @J: Totally off-topic, but Harris' eyes are frightening.
    Totally on-topic, where are you getting any sort of numbers to support that any of the candidates lead or trail the other? I think claiming DH is "most qualified" of the three is a bit of a stretch. More qualified than LukeR, definitely; but more qualified than Acklin is subjective and tough to make an argument for. Perhaps "qualified in different respects" would be more appropriate.

    @Maria: Looking forward to it!

  8. I'm estimating that vote tally. I've talked to people around town and most people don't even know who Acklin is--although they do now. Acklin's main barrier to winning is his conservative background. Acklin will get some Dems, but mostly Reps from the east end. Harris can draw from both pools equally and there are more Dems in this city. So it's a rough approximation. If Ravenstahl is booted from the race, Harris will get his votes most likely (I'd bet that his Dems would rather have another Dem like Harris than the white knight of Acklin).

    As for qualifications, Acklin certainly is qualified, but his understanding of finance is not as strong as Harris. Acklin has a stronger legal background, but I value Harris' knowledge of how to get through the city's red tape (setting up companies and working through foreclosures) more.
