October 30, 2009

Now This Is Surprising (Not).

From the Pew Center:
Nearly half of Americans (47%) say they think of Fox News as “mostly conservative,” 14% say it is “mostly liberal,” and 24% say it is “neither in particular.” Opinion about the ideological orientation of other TV news outlets is more mixed: while many view CNN and the three broadcast networks as mostly liberal, about the same percentages say they are neither in particular. However, somewhat more say MSNBC is mostly liberal than say it is neither in particular, by 36% to 27%.
And they have some art to show their work:

I find it interesting that they find that 14 percent of those questioned think Fox is "too liberal." As Kleefield over at TPM asks, "Who are these people?"

There's more. The view "Fox is conservative" is shared almost uniformly across the board:
The perception of Fox News as mostly conservative is shared equally by regular Fox News viewers and regular viewers of other TV news networks. Half of regular CNN viewers see the Fox News Channel as mostly conservative, as do 48% its own viewers, 48% of regular MSNBC viewers and 45% of the regular viewers of national nightly network news on ABC, NBC and CBS.
The people have spoken.

1 comment:

  1. "I find it interesting that they find that 14 percent of those questioned think Fox is "too liberal." As Kleefield over at TPM asks, "Who are these people?""

    what i find equally interesting is that by almost the same numbers,every liberal media outlet is considered to be "mostly conservative." Yet you don't find that to be incongruous???? If anything the poll adequately demonstrates the liberal leanings of most of the news outlets and the need for a conservative viewpoint.And just the same,liberals are clamoring for the Fairness Doctrine because of their failure to get their views across.
