November 6, 2009

Markos gets Tancredo to storm off MSNBC set

You see, while former congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) has "talked to vets" about their health care, he may not have realized that Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitas actually is a veteran. A fact that Markos pointed out to Tancredo while reminding Tancredo that he had sought and received a deferment for the Vietnam War even though he was a supporter of the war at the time.



  1. ah, sometime the fates smile(and chuckle a bit)!!!

  2. Nice of Markos to bring up Tancredo's past Deferment.
    Since it is fair game to bring up past behavior, I would he will not longer use the "old news" excuse when someone brings up his "screw them" comment.
    Nasty little pr*ck should remember the lesson about Stones and Glass Houses.

  3. Heir, no military veteran that I know of has any opinion about mercenaries *OTHER* than "screw them*. You can't depend on mercenaries, they desert to the highest bidder or just plain leave the field of battle --desert -- whenever the going gets tough, and the mercs go out and do crap that causes blowback on the real military, like going out and shooting up innocent civilians just because they're baddass legends in their own mind who can do stuff like that without any repercussions. Mercs are a plague in any war zone, whether it's Iraq or the Congo or whatever, and deserve nothing more than "screw them".

    The fact that the U.S. government is relying on mercenaries to do so many basic tasks in war zones today is a disgrace. Markos probably could have used more diplomatic language, but his opinion of mercenaries is held by pretty much every veteran who has ever had the unsavory "privilege" of serving in a zone where mercenaries are active.
