January 21, 2010

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is CBS

From Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents, we learn that CBS will air an anti abortion ad by evangelical parachurch organization Focus on the Family during the Super Bowl. Focus on the Family is anti gay and anti feminist in addition to being anti choice. They're also pro school sponsored prayer and pro corporal punishment (for kids and lil weiner doggies!).

The ad will feature Tim Tebow:
Tim Tebow is taking his star power to sport’s biggest stage.

The former Florida quarterback and his mother will appear in a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl next month. The Christian group Focus on the Family says the Tebows will share a personal story centering on the theme “Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life.”

The group isn’t releasing details, but the commercial is likely to be an anti-abortion message chronicling Pam Tebow’s 1987 pregnancy. After getting sick during a mission trip to the Philippines, she ignored a recommendation by doctors to abort her fifth child and gave birth to Tim.
Now, I have no problem with CBS airing this ad in and of itself. (Although the ad, of course, fails to note while celebrating the choice Pam Tebow made, that they want to deny any other woman from having a choice to follow their own doctor's medical advice.)

My problem with CBS is that five years ago, they refused to air an ad by United Church of Christ (UCC):
In the letter from the CBS official to the United Church of Christ, the network said it refuses advertising that "touches on and/or takes a position on one side of a current controversial issue of public importance."
What was the controversial issue in that ad?

That UCC accepts all individuals as members in their church.

Here's the ad:

As you may have noticed, the ad shows two women that may be a lesbian couple that the church accepts -- horrors!

So when exactly did CBS change their "longstanding policy of not accepting advocacy advertising"?

If you think that CBS are BIG, FAT HYPOCRITES, then follow Sue's suggestions:
So what to do? One thing you can do to weigh in locally is call the local CBS affiliate ... yes, that would be KDKA and let them know if you think CBS should be carrying such a controversial ad, especially given their history with UCC. The number for KDKA is +1-412-575-2288. You can weigh in via email here.

Weigh in with CBS here.

You can also join a national petitions at Change.Org here.

The Facebook page is here.

One point to keep in mind is there is no move from the UCC to run their ads (4 years later). It is simply a point of reference to hold CBS accountable for consistent decisions with regard to advertising decisions, especially those that promote a social issue agenda. So the message is clear -- don't run the Focus on the Family ad.


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