January 11, 2010

Ka-ching! Palin cashing in, you betcha!

Former Gov. Sarah Palin to become a regular contributor on Fox News (quelle surprise).

You can't deny that she's a natural for the small screen:



  1. So, I would gather you liberals have a similar problem with certain Democrats (Schumer, Dean, et al) appearing every Sunday on NBCABCCBSPMSNBCCNN spouting their opinions?

    What is it about Sarah Palin that makes you libs get your panties in such a wad? Hmmmm?

    And, why shouls you libs care? You profess that Fox is not fair and balanced and you don't watch the Network. Again, why, then, is this a big deal?

    Me thinks many of you libs can't handle the fact that a WOMAN can have opinions and *possibly* be a Leader? Many of you libs are the same people who voted for the light-skinned clean articulate Negro for President over Ms. Clinton.

    BTW - How's that hopey-changey thingy working for you? Do you like how Congress (a DEMOCRAT Congress) manipulated Federal tax withholding tables effective 01/01/2010 to take MORE out of your pay? Unnecessarily? Do you? Chumps, y'all.

  2. Well, CM, first I would point out Schumer, at least, didn't quit his job.

    But here's the thing about Palin. She is very popular with the Tea Party set. Now, I am sure you think that is the best thing ever. But being on Fox, everything she says will be reinforced and never questioned; she will never be asked to back up her opinions with any facts. She will mislead millions of people.

    Strangely, us "libs" don't seem to have a problem with Mrs. Clinton being Secretary of State, in fact, many of us are quite happy with it. We are happy her opinions are part of the Obama administration.

    As far as the tax thing goes, I like how you use your slanderous and snarky phrase for Obama before talking about Congress, because of course they are exactly the same thing. Like Sarah Palin is now exactly the same as the lying, crying Glenn Beck.

    Meanwhile, the poor will still get much of their withholding back (since the standard deduction and personal exemptions have not disappeared), and by the way, weren't you "cons" whining and moaning about the stimulus and the resulting government spending. So now that Congress might be trying to cover a bit of the deficit, you "cons" are whining and moaning about that?

    I know, nothing the Democrats do is right, including the way they are fighting terrorists. Obama says we are collecting too much information and not processing it properly, so of course the "cons" are calling for more information collection. Because you won't be happy until the terrorists strike again, killing thousands of Americans. Because then you can get majorities in Congress and take the White House.

  3. CM,

    "So, I would gather you liberals have a similar problem with certain Democrats (Schumer, Dean, et al) appearing every Sunday on NBCABCCBSPMSNBCCNN spouting their opinions?"

    They didn't QUIT their elected offices to "help" the people of their states and then immediately cash in. Besides, they don't work for the networks. So your analogy is more full of holes than Palin's knowledge of foreign policy.

    "Me thinks many of you libs can't handle the fact that a WOMAN can have opinions and *possibly* be a Leader?"

    Have you ever read this blog?
