January 1, 2010

More On Ravenstahl's Veto

New Year's Eve, 2009 the City of Pittsburgh abdicated democratic process (Councilmember Bill Peduto at about 4:14 in).


  1. I just love the look on his face when he opens his mouth to say, "There's a process..." Like, "I can't believe I have to go through this again".

  2. Dowd may have a valid point about the 24 hour thing, but wasn't it the Mayor's action that forced this last minute meeting? I guess the vetoed bill belonged to the 2009 Council, and the veto could not be over-rode in 2010.

    Still, with his behavior during the meeting, Dowd is in danger of becoming our very own Joe Wilson.

    Of course, Bill Peduto's hyperble is also a little embaressing. C'mon, North Korea?

  3. Ed, I've been comparing Dowd to Dwight Schrute. Remember the episode where Dwight teaches everybody a lesson for not paying attention to his fire safety instructions???
