January 8, 2010

Rudy "A Noun, A Verb, And 9/11" Giuliani forgets 9/11 happened

Rudy "A Noun, A Verb, And 9/11" Giuliani made the claim today on Good Morning America that “We had no domestic attacks under Bush.”

A spokesperson for Giuliani later claimed that Giuliani was “clearly talking post-9/11 with regards to Islamic terrorist attacks on our soil.”

Uh huh.

Of course now you're probably thinking to yourself that Rudy has also "forgotten" the Shoe Bomber. But, you'd be wrong. According to Rudy, the Shoe Bomber's attempted attack happened before 9/11:

He also claims in the above video that President Obama waited ten days to comment on the Crotch Bomber when it was 72 hours. Further point of fact -- aside from 9/11 and the Shoe Bomber happening on Bush's watch -- there were multiple anthrax attacks and the attack against an El Al ticket counter at LAX.

But back to Saint Rudy. "America's Mayor" severely fucked up when it came to New York City's security. He was the fucking idiot who insisted that the Command Center be placed at the World Trade Center even after it was attacked in 1993 and who also failed to "find a replacement for the radios that malfunctioned in 1993 left them unable to talk to each other, even about getting out of a tower on the verge of collapse." Moreover, '[a] Times editorial concluded in May that the Giuliani administration "failed in its duty to protect the workers at Ground Zero."' [ibid]

The country needs to go back to how it viewed Rudy right before 9/11: a national joke.

This, after all, was the guy who informed his then wife that he was divorcing her via a press conference and actually moved his goomah in with his wife and kids at Gracie Mansion. He's also the same guy who while running for mayor against the incumbent David Dinkins participated in a police riot where Dinkins (an African American) was hung in effigy and an African American City Councilwoman was roughed up on the steps of City Hall.

Rudy, you needed to turn in your NYC card a long time ago.



  1. You should also add abortion doctor shootings and the nut who shot up the UU church in Knoxville as domestic terrorists.

  2. That all being said, David Dinkins doesn't exactly come off as being a saint either. Especially with respect to his dereliction of duty to respond appropriately to the 1991 Crown Heights pogrom (yes, I'm actually going to use that word to describe what it was, which was a pogrom).

  3. I think it is amazingly SAD that not one (I mean not ONE) mainstream Republican has ever called out Rudy for his (insert noun or verb) of 911. Are they afraid of him or do they even worse buy into his 911 nonsense. This man did nothing on 911 than raise a bullhorn. It takes more than that to know anything about national security. Seriously, this man is almost as scary as Palin (or Mayor Luke as POTUS).

  4. I think you have to be a relative moderate to get elected Mayor of NYC. As I understand it, Rudy used to be pro choice-ish and relatively tolerant of gays. Now he calculated that the best position for him in the Republican universe is as the New York 9/11 Mayor. But since that position is becoming increasingly irrelevant, Rudy is drifting off towards being Mayor of fantasy-land (with his ridiculous claims about Bush's record). Too bad Palin is already governor of the tea party residents of fantasy-land. So the only people who might buy Rudy's arguments already have their candidate. Rudy could have established himself as a tough minded something, but these days everybody has given up on Rudy.

  5. This is what happens when you let a nasty SOB stray off his talking points. And his meds.

    Rudy needs to be "handled," and while I'm sure he has some political consultants on-call, he probably isn't being spoon fed stuff by them every day...and so he goes wandering off into the GOP bizzaro world.

    At the end of the day, he's just flat out stupid.

  6. Golly. Rudy said he hate to give the signal to an enemy that we're "thinking."

    As a counter, my campaign slogan fits, "Think Again."

    Ponder, please! We should all plead them to ponder.
