January 8, 2010

The Trib Brain Trust Does It Again

You'd think they'd take a snow day or something.

From the editorial page at today's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
This high-unemployment recession's drop in crime invalidates the 1960s liberal mind-set that blames crime on "socially unjust" income inequality.

Writing in The Wall Street Journal, Heather Mac Donald, contributing editor of the Manhattan Institute's City Journal, notes crime is at its lowest levels in nearly five decades even though 7 million jobs have been lost.
No mention of the:
  • $200,000 granted to the Manhattan Institute in 2008 by the Richard Mellon Scaife controlled Sarah Scaife Foundation.
  • $240,000 granted to the Manhattan Institute in 2007 by the Richard Mellon Scaife controlled Sarah Scaife Foundation.
Media Matters reports that over the last 3 decades, the Sarah Scaife Foundation has given almost $4 million to the Manhattan Institute.

The journalistic circle jerk continues.

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