January 14, 2010

Very Important Announcement

Today I was informed by an African-American coworker that since I am an Italian-American he doesn't consider me to be "white."

I am not sure what to do with this information.

If anyone has any hints or advice, please let me know.


  1. Don't stick your neck out on this one, pal.

    Not only were Italian-Americans considered non-white by many "regular Americans" a century ago (or, in some cases, more recently), but they sometimes were classified as non-white by statute and some were lynched by "whites" -- mostly in the South but also, at times, in Pennsylvania.

    Many surnames were changed to attempt to avoid the consequences of being known as Italian-Americans in the United States.

  2. Perhaps he watched Jersey Shore and thought Italian Americans were an entirely different species. I can understand that.

  3. What color exactly would Italian Americans be then?

  4. They're kinda orange on Jersey Shore.

    (Yes, I am part Italian and if you don't get it, I'm not knocking Italians -- or NJ -- I'm making fun of the TV show Jersey Shore.)

  5. @Maria: I totally get it, I am a 100% Italian American and that show cracks me up.

  6. Are you from Italy Nick?

  7. No, great grandparents on both sides were. Somehow everyone in my family managed to marry 100% Italians for all that time.

  8. Nick,

    That's some feat!

    I'm mostly third generation American, but I'm Pittsburgh Mutt:

    Italian and Irish on my father's side and Ukrainian, Rusyn and German on my mother's side.

  9. 'Whiteness' is a social control construct made up in the 1630-1690 era designed to make English bondservants think they had more in common with the upper crust ruling them than the African bondservants toiling alongside them. The first law passed was against inter-marriage between African and English servants, which should tell you something. The second was that an African servant wasn't allowed to carry a gun.

    So the real problem is the hundreds of millions in this country still thinking they're 'white.' The 'white race' doesn't exist in biology, only the human race.

    I stopped calling myself 'white' some time ago. I'm mainly a Scots-Irish American Western PA hillybilly intellectual of sorts. Those are social constructs, too, but at least they're anchored in something a little more significant than skin tone.

  10. Yes, "race" is a social construct -- not recognized by science.

    Besides, we're all from Africa if you go back far enough.

  11. Just don't go back further than 6,000 years. You'll upset the fundies if you do.
