January 3, 2010

Worth a look

  • Bob Mayo looks at The Sunshine Law vs. City Council's New Year's Eve veto override attempt at The Busman's Holiday.

  • The Infinonymous blog traces Patrick Dowd's strange arc on City Council.

  • A Post-Gazette article quotes Lil Mayor Luke on his 14-month-old son Cooper, "I'm going to make sure in the coming year that there are times when I am scheduled to be with him." (Maybe this is just another example of Lukey's bizarre syntax getting in the way of what he wants to say or maybe he actually is as callous and shallow as he sounds.)

  • Finally, just for fun: Rumproast posts the Palin Family New Year Newsletter.


    1. Is it just me or does Lukey often sound like a poorly programmed robot?

    2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that strange comment the boy mayor made about his toddler.

    3. Bram's comment in Infinoymous's post is interesting, and the first reasonable explanation I've seen for Dowd's, and Burgess's and now Lavalle's behavior. The Mayor's greed is apparently seductive, kinda like the (something something) Dark Side.
