February 1, 2010

PA Gubernatorial Race News

  • First, PCN-TV (Channel 48 on Comcast) will broadcast yesterday's 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates Forum (pictured above) tonight at 8:00 PM.

  • Next, Chris Potter blogs at Slag Heap on reports that gubernatorial candidate -- and current Scranton mayor -- Chris Doherty may be dropping out of the race, but taking a run at lieutenant governor while backing Dan Onorato (in a deal being brokered by Gov. Rendell). Potter notes:
    Doherty was emphasizing a progressive platform ... his departure from the race would, in theory, help solidify progressive voters behind Joe Hoeffel, the Montgomery County Commissioner who has been the most strident voice on the left so far. Onorato and Auditor General Jack Wagner would be left to fight over moderate-to-conservative Dems in the western part of the state. That said, the stars seem to be aligning in Onorato's favor lately.
  • Early Returns posts on Dan's stars that Onorato has lots of cash -- double that of likely GOP candidate Tom Corbett.

  • And, speaking of Corbett, PoliticsPA reports that, "Former Democratic Attorney General candidate John Morganelli said Thursday that Dan Onorato, the party’s gubernatorial front-runner, secretly supported a Republican during the 2008 attorney general’s race."

    The undercover bff Republican in question? Tom Corbett.
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