March 26, 2010

Hey, Look At This!

I normally don't blog on letters-to-the-editor. But this screamed for attention.

From today's P-G:
I find it hard to believe that 1970s domestic terrorist William Ayers will be the keynote speaker today at the Spring 2010 Conference of the University of Pittsburgh's Council of Graduate Students in Education. I would think that in the interest of education, intellectualism and ethics, the council would be concerned about the unethical life of its honored guest.

Bill Ayers was the co-founder of the radical Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that participated in a series of bombings in the early 1970s, including the 1974 bombing of Pittsburgh's Gulf Tower. Mr. Ayers admits to participating in bombings at a New York City police headquarters in 1970, the U.S. Capitol in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972. Federal conspiracy charges against him were dropped in 1974 because of illegal surveillance.

Surely the University of Pittsburgh group could have found some other speaker who has values and loves our country, instead of a criminal. By paying this person to speak, is it honoring his behaviors? Why have someone from Chicago education circles speak on educating students? Have you seen the statistics of Chicago schools? [emphasis added.]
Something about this stuck in my head. The memory clicked back to to this from the Trib. The third paragraph of the editorial reads:
Mr. Ayers admits to participating in bombings at a New York City police headquarters in 1970, the U.S. Capitol in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972. Federal conspiracy charges against him were dropped in 1974 because of illegal surveillance.
Notice anything?

I'd think there were filters over at the P-G for stuff like this.