March 9, 2010

Please, Rush, please!

Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes
...and move to Costa Rica.



  1. That's NOT what he said. Rush said he'd go to Costa Rica for his healthcare needs.

    If you would listen to his shaw (gasp!) instead of reading and regurgitating talking points from whatever far-left media watchgroup you subscribe to you'd know that. But, then again, that would mean your panties would fit just right (and not be in knots)... and you'd have no reason to 'have a cigarette'... if you know what I mean.

  2. Hey Con -

    Eff off.

    The truth is, we could turn to a lot of countries RIGHT NOW for better, more affordable health care.

    The concept that we trust INSURANCE COMPANIES to supply a basic need to our citizenry is insane. They are nothing more or less than bottom-line driven corporations, who only care (by their corporate charter...) about the bottom line.

    Remember, dimwit, that is was the lack of regulation and the over-reliance on "market forces" that let us down the jolly path to near financial Armageddon.

  3. CM,

    There's a clip and transcript at the link on this post. Here's what he said:

    "I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica."

    It's certainly open for interruption which he meant, but pray tell, why the fuck is he saying he'd leave America to go to a country with actual universal health insurance??? Where is the logic in that???

    P.S. I can honestly say that I don't EVER think about what your panties are doing.

  4. Actually, CM, whether Rush said he would leave the US to live in Costa Rica or whether he would just jet down there to see the doctor, the fact is he is not merely making a joke, he has the resources to actually do either of those things. Rush is laughing at us, he is rubbing our noses in his money. Rush's listeners made him rich, and he is telling them that if the US gets uncomfortable, Rush can leave his listeners behind to suffer while Rush continues to live the good life. Rush is telling us "so long, suckers".

    Conservatives have so much character, they always show the courage of their convictions.

  5. Maria listening to the full clip it looks like Thinkprogress/Huffpo­/Media Matters are lying and taking Rush out of context. The headline should be:
    Limbaugh vows to flee the country if private health care is outlawed in US.
    In full context one could also argue that Rush was saying he would go to Costa Rica for medical treatment, not that he was leaving the country to go live there.
    As for your country with actual universal health insurance statement, are you guys saying that Costa Rica does not allow a individual to privately paid for Medical Treatment?

  6. OK, I'll bite. Heir, where in any of the proposed HCR legislation, does it prohibit people from purchasing private health care insurance if they so desire?

  7. Froth,

    Rushbo admits in the clip that he doesn't know what the hell is in any bill, but he goes on to speculate that maybe it will prevent one from finding a good doc because they'll have to take poor govt-funded folks which will make then worse docs and give Rushbo worse care and then he may need to go to Costa Rica and use their docs which labor under a universal insurance system.

    See? it all makes perfect sense!

  8. prohibit people from purchasing private health care insurance
    Ol' Froth and Maria that is not what I said. You guy could work for Thinkprogress/Media Matters.

    It should be
    "Prohibit people from privately paying health care expenses directly to a Hospital/Doctor."
    You know like the Democrats tried to do under Clintoncare.

    I expect class envy rage from progressives to have that law passed because it is so unfair that the rich can afford to bypass Obamacare and pay for treatment themselves

    You know like Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams not using Canada's excellent universal health care for Heart Surgery.

  9. "Prohibit people from privately paying health care expenses directly to a Hospital/Doctor."
    You know like the Democrats tried to do under Clintoncare.

    I expect class envy rage from progressives to have that law passed because it is so unfair that the rich can afford to bypass Obamacare and pay for treatment themselves.

    Why don't you and Rushbo bother to find out what's actually in the bills?

    It does not do that.

  10. If more people had watched Sebelius on Meet the Press this past Sunday, I think there would be less confusion. As it stands, many of the substantive issues the republicans raised at the summit are either in the House bill, the Senate bill or the reconciliation language.

    Costa Rica also has private health care that, apparently, is super cheap in U.S. dollars. It's another place that your average American will take a vacation to get some gall stones removed, or a hip replaced for cheap.

  11. You mean the same Meet the Press where
    Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius contradicted herself on abortion funding in the Senate health care bill in a Sunday interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Sebelius applauded the Senate language before and talked about mandatory abortion fees, but now she claims there is no funding.
    She told pro-choice blog the exact opposite of what she said on MTP.
    Even funnier the pro-choice blog has deleted the interview.
