April 16, 2010

Let's go to the video tape!

Bill O'Lielly claims that nobody ever said on Fox News that people will go to jail if they don't buy health insurance. Right...


  1. What a joke. Hey, remember when O'Reilly attacked homeless veterans for being lazy? I do. I talk about this and similar Conservative antics on my blog Young Politics. Check it out!

  2. This brings to mind two things. One is Lucy from Peanuts, who would make the self same argument, "Can you name one time, Charlie Brown????" It's pretty much being played out at that level.

    The second thing is this. I worked around Tom Coburn. He is, by anyone's measure, an ideologue. But I can tell you this, he ain't stupid or crazy. OK. Not too crazy. Or crazy like a fox...

    It's a very interesting move on his part. Certainly he loves his "outsider" status and does almost everything he can to help perpetuate it, but going after Fox News is flat our weird.

    The only thing I can imagine is that his polling is showing a strong anti-incumbency tendency, so perhaps this is a small tip of the hat to that....
