May 17, 2010

More On Specter's Anti-Sestak Ads

From Greg Sargent at the Washington Post:
So it's come to this: In a bid for conservative and rural Pennsylvania Dems, Arlen Specter is now using targeted ads to attack Joe Sestak for getting an "F" rating from the National Rifle Association.

In a targeted way, Specter also seems to be touting his vote against the assault weapons ban -- a vote he took as a Republican. One wonders how this ad would play among urban Dems in Philadelphia -- if they ever were to hear about it.

Specter's assault on Sestak can be viewed in a Web ad on the site of the Washington Observer-Reporter, a paper in western Pennsylvania that presumably isn't widely read in Philly...[emphasis added.]
Talkingpointsmemo has this:
The ads are running on the websites of local papers in rural Pennsylvania, away from the eyes of the key Democratic voters in the cities that might not find the ads a persuasive message for Specter.
What's more, Sestak's campaign is distributing a copy of another web ad they say Republicans used in 2008 against President Obama that also focused on the "F" rating from the NRA. The Sestak campaign calls the two web ads "strikingly similar."
So one wonders whether Senator Specter be telling Pennsylvania's Non-Philly and Non-Pittsburgh democrats that:
  • Congressman Sestak is bad because the NRA gave him an F
  • President Obama is bad because the NRA gave him an F
I mean, one should be consistent and all.


  1. I've been planning to vote against Specter for a long time.

    Here at the last minute, I find myself wondering if the GOP has actually moved so far right that Specter now qualifies as a genuine Democrat. And that keeping him might not be a bad thing.

    Just wondering.

  2. I think PA's "establishment" Dem party has moved so far right that Specter now qualifies as a genuine Democrat.
