December 27, 2010

Santorum: Repealing DADT is really about "trying to move any people of faith and religion...out of America"

Thanks to News Hounds (via Crooks And Liars), we have Lil Ricky explaining to us how repealing DADT was not only unnecessary for gays who wanted to serve in the military but, more importantly, how it's just one more step in the process of the left moving people of faith out of America.

Damn! The jig's up -- he's on to us! (Just as the relocation camps were nearly completed.)

Steyn snidely asked if Obama’s “principled defense of marriage or whatever it was” was “likely to be tossed overboard with so much else?”

Santorum replied, “Look, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was not about men and women serving in the military. Men and women who are gays and lesbians can serve in the military right now. That’s not the issue. The issue is a bigger issue. The issue is – and it’s not even about gay marriage. This is about a larger issue of the secularization of our society. It’s a larger issue about the left just, you know, trying to, you know, put government in control of this country, and trying to move faith, trying to move any people of faith and religion out of the public square, out of America, trying to transform what America’s all about. And this is just one more step in the process and we have Republicans who may be well meaning… but what they’re doing is a larger harm and this is just one more step in that process.”


  1. Unfortunately, Man-on-dog is "running" not "leaving."

  2. Rick is doing nothing by "running in place." His nascent campaign is nothing more than an attempt by Rick to stay in the public eye (pretty much all he's done his entire career) and then allow him to stay employed after the election. He'll write a book, show up on Fox and live out his days as a "think tank" dipshit who gets to speak (for profit) at every right wing nutball dinner in the fifty states. And since he'll only be spending other people's money in his campaign, what's the little twerp got to lose?
