April 14, 2011

Local Musicians Band Together to Support Chris Zurawsky for City Council - April 15

Via the Friends of Chris Zurawsky:

Pittsburgh Bands Come Together to Support Zurawsky for City Council

Four Pittsburgh-based bands and D.J.s are putting on a concert in Squirrel Hill to show their support for Chris Zurawsky’s current campaign for the 5th District City Council. The show, which will take place on Friday, April 15 at 10 p.m., at Frankie & Georgie’s (formerly P.D.’s Pub) on 5832 Forward Avenue will feature Centipede Eest, Raw Blow, The Gotobeds, and Edgar Um.


This concert represents the musicians’ individual and collective support of Chris and his vision for the City and the District, including his work to increase green space, public art and bike lanes; his promotion of local independent businesses; his environmental record and opposition to Marcellus drilling; and his belief in responsive government that is accessible to all residents. Chris is running in order to continue the 5th District’s tradition of having a strong independent voice in City Council that preserves history while promoting progress. All proceeds from the concert will benefit Friends of Chris Zurawsky.

The cost is $7 and you can find out more on the bands/RSVP here.

You can find out more about Chris at http://www.zurawskyforcouncil.com

In the interest of full disclosure, I've been paid by the Friends of Chris Zurawsky campaign to create and maintain his website.


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