June 3, 2011

I am nothing if not trendy!

Via the Post-Gazette:
The national unemployment rate ticked up again in May to 9.1 percent, an incremental change from April's 9 percent rate, but the second month of increases, a sign that the jobs recovery may have stalled.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reported that the number of jobs increased by 54,000, which is half of what some analysts had predicted. The country needs more than 125,000 new jobs to keep up with population growth every month.
I walked into work yesterday to find out that the company that I was working for was shutting down...that day. (I'm going to miss you guys!)

On the upside, now that I will no longer be working Saturdays, maybe I'll go see the Tom Tom Club performing at the Three Rivers Arts Festival.

(h/t to WARN Act)


  1. That's maybe 100 more people out of work here in Pittsburgh.

  2. Really sorry to hear that, Maria. It's always a stunner. Good luck with your next gig!
