June 10, 2011

March for Corporate Accountability Today

Wednesday we saw a rally to tell Target to keep the corporate cash out of politics. Today there's a rally and march to "to demand that multi-billion dollar oil and gas company ExxonMobil pay its fair share of taxes to help build a better future for Pittsburgh."

As the Post-Gazette reported yesterday:
ExxonMobil Corp. has bolstered its position in the Marcellus Shale play with a billion-dollar acquisition, paying $1.69 billion for Warrendale-based Philips Resources and TWP Inc.
Slag Heap notes about the sale:
For environmentalists, it's yet another sign that the heavies are taking an increasing interest in the state's gas desposits. And that means that when citizens seek to protect water supplies, for example ... these companies are poised to blow them out of the water.

You might have thought that Marcellus drillers had plenty of influence already, given the seven-digit sums the industry contributed to Gov. Tom Corbett and other pols last year. But that's chump change compared to what a big hitter like Exxon can do when it decides to put its mind to it.
From the rally press release:
By taking advantage of tax breaks and loopholes to the tune of $4.1 billion over the last three years, ExxonMobil is depriving Pittsburgh, Allegheny County and Pennsylvania of much-needed revenue, which is forcing cuts to education, public transit, healthcare and other critical public services needed to strengthen Pennsylvania’s economy. Exxon’s daily profits alone – $213 million – are double the proposed state budget cuts to all 43 school districts in Allegheny County and are ten times the $20 million cuts forced to Pittsburgh bus routes earlier this year.
March for Corporate Accountability
March and rally to hold ExxonMobil accountable to Pittsburgh communities
WHO: Hundreds of community members from across Pittsburgh
WHEN: Friday, June 10
3:30 Rally and Speakers at Market Square
4:15 March across Smithfield Bridge
4:30 Rally at Exxon Station (73 E. Carson St.)
WHERE: Starting at Market Square and ending at Exxon Station (73. E. Carson St.)

1 comment:

  1. all we need now is a march to keep union money out of politics and we could start anew!!
