June 7, 2011

Protest at Target Tomorrow: Help take the bull's-eye off of our democracy and the gay community

The Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case last year opened the floodgates of corporate money into American politics. One of the first companies to take advantage of the change in law was Target which made a $150,000 contribution to support a strongly anti-gay, pro-chamber-of-commerce candidate. Target faced a backlash when their contribution became known, but according to http://www.protesttarget.com/why.html, "Target responded to the uproar by implementing superficial changes to its political giving policy. But today it STILL continues its political spending."

We need to:

It's time to remind Target and other corporations gearing up for the 2012 elections that our democracy is not for sale, and that when companies try to buy our elected officials to do their bidding, we the people will be watching.

Protest the Target shareholders meeting
June 8 at noon
Target store
6231 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15206

You can RSVP at anyone of the following sites:

Common Cause

I'll see you there!

This action is being sponsored by the following groups:

With participation from the local MoveOn
and Democracy for Pittsburgh groups.


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