July 22, 2011

More On Texas - Evolution vs Intelligent Design Update

Yesterday, I wrote that the science vs creationism debate was flaring up yet again in the great state of Texas..

There's an update from the AP:
An expected fight over teaching evolution in Texas classrooms fizzled Thursday when the state's Board of Education gave preliminary approval to supplemental science materials for the coming school year and beyond with only minor changes.
A large part of the debate revolved around some new online instructional materials. This was the place where "intelligent design" was to be found. Only now:
One that didn't make the recommended list was an electronic textbook that includes lessons on intelligent design, which is the theory that life on Earth is so complex it was guided with the help of an intelligent higher power.

"There's no bad science going into classrooms" in the approved materials, said Dan Quinn, spokesman for the Texas Freedom Network, a group that sides with mainstream scientists on teaching evolution.
And while science is not subject to a vote, it's still good to see this:
One conservative group, Texans for a Better Science Education, had put out a call to pack Thursday's public hearing with testimony urging board members to adopt materials that question evolution. But they were outnumbered by witnesses urging the board to adopt the materials with few changes.

"I don't want my children's public school teachers to teach faith and God in a science classroom," said the Rev. Kelly Allen of University Presbyterian Church in San Antonio. "True religion can handle truth in all its forms. Evolution is solid science."
Amen, Reverend Allen. Amen.


  1. You know, if school boards decide they want to offer a Christian religion class as an elective (shouldn't be a requirement), or have some or all religions taught in history class, or the bible taught in an English (literature) class, I say fine, I'll even support that idea. But I don't want ministers, pastors or priests explaining science to anyone. Talking about a philosophical framework at a higher metaphysical level than in the specific physical world, OK. Why the universe was created, sure. Just not how.

    Yes, the bible has its descriptions of how the world was created, and that is fine for Sunday morning, for allegorical lessons or literal if that's what you want to believe. But I think schools should provide only the work of scientists (Physicists, astronomers and so on) in science classes. Then maybe people will start to understand why something needs to be done about climate change, like switching to cfl's and painting (or re-shingling) your roof white, or at least a lighter color.

  2. I completely agree with you there is no reason that christian religion classes can't be taught as an elective in school. But under no circumstance can the belief in God and that he created us be considered science. Have you seen the penn and teller episode on this issue.
