November 3, 2011

Occupy Pittsburgh Update

From the P-G, we get a:
Occupy Pittsburgh drew its largest police presence to date as more than 100 supporters marched through Oakland Wednesday night, sometimes blocking lanes of traffic and chanting messages against police brutality.

At one point, more than 10 police cars and motorcycles were used to move the crowd off Bellefield Avenue. No large-scale arrests were made during the nearly three-hour demonstration.

The march began at Schenley Plaza about 6:30 p.m. and snaked throughout the college neighborhood. It was designed to show support for the California-based Occupy Oakland, where one veteran was left in critical condition following a confrontation with police.
And so on.  There were about 15 more paragraphs.

Our good friends at the Scaife-owned Trib were much more succinct (unless there's something published in the paper that's not accessible to the Google):
Several hundred members of Occupy Pittsburgh and their supporters marched through the streets of Oakland tonight.

There were no arrests and no reports of damage by protestors, who marched in the streets surrounding the University of Pittsburgh campus, according to Pittsburgh police Cmdr. George Trosky.

Elizabeth C. Pittinger, executive director of the Pittsburgh Citizen Police Review Board, monitored the protest and said police exhibited "extraordinary patience and restraint."

Pittinger said marchers, who did not have a permit, spilled into the streets and obstructed traffic for a short time before heeding orders from police to keep to the sidewalks.
There were no more paragraphs.

Occupy Pittsburgh.

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