November 8, 2011


And if you're so inclined, something the OPJ posted a few days ago makes a lot of sense:
Go to the polls and vote…but when you get to where the District Attorney candidates are listed on the ballot, instead of voting for Zappalla—who is always unopposed and who refuses to investigate the police beating of Jordan Miles—write in Jordan Miles!

Send a message to the city that Officers Saldutte, Sisak and Ewing must be fired and prosecuted!
Even if you're not so inclined, you should still should vote.


  1. I

    Why did the US Attorney decline to prosecute?
    Was that decision taken in Pgh or in DC?
    Any explanation offered by anyone in authority?
    The federal criminal system salivates when it can its teeth on local LE for violation of fed statutes...they declined in the case... What's going on? Only police and Jason know what occurred... I guess there was insufficient basis to proceed ... What will we learn as the civil action goes forward...maybe some surprises for all those who have already decided the case...

  2. Jordan. Sorry

    Hair splitting again... Zapalla did investigate...he declined to prosecute.
