January 3, 2012

Pittsburgh City Council: The Worm Turns

Via the P-G:
Darlene Harris was reelected Pittsburgh City Council president this morning in a vote that pit her against her one-time political teammates

Voting for Mrs. Harris were herself, Ricky Burgess, Patrick Dowd, Theresa Kail-Smith, R. Daniel Lavelle and newcomer Corey O'Connor.

Voting against her were Bruce Kraus, Bill Peduto and Natalia Rudiak, her teammates the past two years.
Here's all the new positions:
Council President: Darlene Harris (nominated by Dowd)

President Pro Tempore: Theresa Kail-Smith (nominated by Burgess)

Finance Chair: Rev. Ricky Burgess

Public Safety Chair: Theresa Kail-Smith

Public Works Chair: Bruce Kraus

Human Resources Chair: Bill Peduto

Land Use & Economic Development Chair: R. Daniel Lavelle

Urban Recreation Chair: Corey O'Connor

Performance and Assessment Management Chair: Natalia Rudiak

Intergovernmental Affairs Chair: Patrick Dowd

Hearings Chair: Darlene Harris
Also see Infy here.

UPDATE: And, Early Returns here. (Yes, O'Connor chose the occasion to announce his engagement...)

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