February 21, 2012

Teh Birther Crazie In Pennsylvania - Locally

They say all politics is local.  Perhaps all teh crazie's local, too.

From Birther-central, World Net Daily:
A complaint has been filed asking Pennsylvania state officials to set aside Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential candidacy, because he cannot meet the state’s eligibility requirements.

It’s another case in what is developing into a long list of states in which Obama’s candidacy is being challenged legally. A complaint recently was filed in Indiana, and Georgia’s dispute already is moving to the appellate level. Cases also are reported to be developing in Mississippi, Alabama and other states.

The Pennsylvania case was raised by Dale Laudenslager and Charles Kerchner, whose previous legal challenge to Obama’s term in the White House also was based on eligibility concerns and reached the U.S. Supreme Court, where the justices refused to look at any evidence.
Because there isn't any, but let's not go there just yet.

Here's the complaint, in case you wanted to read it.  The argument is not, by the way, "Obama's birth certificate is a forgery as he was really born in Kenya" but "Barack Obama's father was a British citizen, so therefore dual citizen Barack Obama is not a 'Natural Born Citizen' and therefore can not be president."

This is not Kerchner's first attempt at this argument.  From CNN:
The Supreme Court has again cast aside an appeal that raised doubts about President Barack Obama's U.S. citizenship, a grass-roots legal issue that has gained little legal or political footing, but continues to persist in the courts.

The justices without comment Monday rejected a challenge from Charles Kerchner Jr., a Pennsylvania man who sought a trial in federal court forcing the president to produce documents regarding his birth and citizenship.

Kerchner's attorney, Mario Apuzzo, had argued in a petition with the Supreme Court that Obama did not fit the definition of a "natural-born citizen" required for the nation's highest office, as defined by Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.
Fact-check.org has already debunked this stupid argument.

He was born in Hawaii - that alone makes him a Natural Born Citizen.  Get over it.

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