March 31, 2012

Santorum: First it was "blah" people, now he's called Obama a "government nig"

While Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum may be against them, if there ever was a candidate who needed a teleprompter, it's him!

You'll recall earlier this year when Lil Ricky had a problem with "blah" people:

Now he's called President Obama an "anti-war, government nig":

Lil Ricky, Dr. Freud is calling. Your slip is showing!


  1. "Nig" aside, what's wrong with being anti-war?

  2. Although I found lots of web sites with this news about Santorum, I have not found this at any reputable website such as PBS News Hour, The Washington Journal or the McLaughlin Group. I also listened to Washington Week in Review and heard nothing about this. Videos can be rigged too easily.

  3. Sure, I can see where the Guardian is not not a reputable news source.

    Santorum has repeatedly emphasized his (supposed) blue collar credentials. Now he is using "dog whistles" to make it clear to the conservative base/Tea Party who is the candidate that is thinking correctly. Nice ambiguous, deniable "dog whistles" where if Maria or anyone calls him on it, then Maria or anyone else is the one accused of racism. Or rigging videos or replaying rigged videos or whatever.

  4. John,

    While the Santorum Campaign is certainly denying that Lil Ricky was starting to say the N-word, neither the campaign or any 'reputable' news service is claiming that the video is fake. I belive that there's a few reasons why this hasn't appeared on much MSM (yet):

    1) It came out on a Friday.

    2) These things usually 1st appear on blogs and then build from there.

    3) It is a partial word, so there's room for interpretation.

    4) The word he was possibly going for is so disgusting that they don't want to deal with it -- similar to how when a group came out against Hillary Clinton called "CUNT" it received very little media play -- no one wanted to touch the story.

    5) And, what Ed said.

  5. Obama is not a 'nig'.. he's a Kenyan-American.

    He's also a community organizer, a/k/a agitator, bully, etc.

  6. Obama is not a 'nig'.. he's a Kenyan-American.

    He's also a community organizer, a/k/a agitator, bully, etc.

  7. And you are using dog whistles, CM.

    You do understand what the words agitator and bully mean, right? 'cause conservatives like yourself would never do anything like that...
