April 10, 2012

Which PA Legislators are members of ALEC?

David just posted on ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) and reminded us that PA State Rep. Daryl "I Don't Speak Mexican" Metcalfe (R-Butler) is a member. So, which other Pennsylvania legislators are ALEC members? This press release by Keystone Progress urging them all to quit ALEC mentions the following:
  • GOP House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (whose participation in ALEC is paid by state taxpayers)

  • GOP House Majority Caucus Chair Sandra Major

  • GOP House Caucus Administrator Dick Stevenson

  • GOP House Judiciary Chair Ronald Marsico

  • GOP House State Government Chair Daryl Metcalfe

  • GOP Senate Majority Caucus Secretary Robert Robbins

  • GOP Senate Judiciary Chair Stewart Greenleaf

  • And GOP Chairs of numerous committees, including Representatives Matthew Baker (Health), Stephen Barrar (Veterans Affairs), Paul Clymer (Educational), John Evans (Game & Fisheries), Robert Godshall (Consumer Affairs), Kate Harper (Ethics), Dick Hess (Commerce), Ronald Miller (Labor & Industry) and Senators Charles McIlhinney (State Government), Jeffrey Piccola (Education), John Pippy (Law & Justice)

  • Rep. John Evans (R-Crawford, Erie) currently serves as ALEC’s PA chair.
  • It goes on to mention 30 more members -- only three of whom are Democrats. Guess who's among them? Yes, my old friend: Rep. Harry Readshaw (D, Allegheny). Guess that explains a lot.

    1 comment:

    1. You can use Keystone Progress' form to tell your legislator to quit ALEC here.
