July 3, 2012

And Finally, THEY MEET!

Hey, who's the balding dork next to PittGirl?  It's me!

In case you just came on-line yestiddy OR you've been living under a rock for years, the woman in the above picture is Virginia Montanez, aka PittGirl, aka JanePitt, aka the blogger over at Thatschurch.com.

Even though I've been a Pittsburgh blogger since 2004 and she's been a Pittsburgh blogger since 2005, we've never met.  And so finally meeting Ginny was way cool.  I can't say it was like the first time Carole King met James Taylor - it was more like the first time Carole King met the balding dork the next town over who also wrote songs, only not as well.

Nice to have FINALLY met you, Ginny.

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