July 6, 2012

Things to do before/around President Obama's Pittsburgh visit

As you all should know by now, President Barack Obama will be holding a free, public rally at CMU today (you need to already have a ticket to get in). Why not make a day of it!

Counter the Pawlenty/Jindal GOP/Romney Campaign Event

Via the Post-Gazette's Early Returns:
OK, forget all that Is-Pa-Still-A-Battleground hand-wringing: tomorrow is shaping up to be a crazy and fun day in Pittsburgh for presidential politics.  
President Obama of course is coming in for a campaign rally at CMU Friday afternoon, but Republicans are bringing in big guns of their own for a counter-rally across Oakland in the morning, starring former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (right). The GOP/Romney campaign event is at 10 a.m. at Soldiers & Sailors Hall.
Via the AFL-CIO:

Event Details:
When: Friday, June 6, 9:15 a.m.
Where: Across from the Soldiers and Sailors Hall parking lot. 4141Fifth Avenue (OAKLAND) Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Thank You, Mr. President! We <3 Obamacare!

What: 'We'll have a large homemade banner that says, "Thank you Mr. President. We ♥ Obamacare" and lists the major pieces of the law that will make an enormously positive impact on all of our lives. We'll invite folks passing by to stop and add a thank you message or sign their name, and we'll be giving out great information about the law so folks can quickly understand what's in the law and how it helps them.'

When: Friday, June 6, 12:00pm until 3:00pm
Where: Meet near the entrance to the Morewood parking lot (on Forbes, just before the intersection of Forbes and Morewood).
Hosted By: Pennsylvania Health Access Network
More Info/RSVP: Facebook

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