August 11, 2012

Talk about playing to your base...

Romney introduces Ryan as the next PRESIDENT!


  1. Busted!!! Geez, are you librals that 'effin stupid and lazy? (A - Yes.)

    Barack Hussein Obama introduces Plugs Biden as the Next President

    Ain't the Internet great?

  2. It could have been worse, though..

    Plugs Biden introduces Barack Hussein Obama as "Barack America!"

    Ain't the Internet great?

  3. As Flounder said in Animal House..

    'This is going to be great!'

    Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden probably just soiled themselves a bit today.

  4. I notice, CM, that Obama caught and corrected himself, while Romney did not.

    And you pasted the same link twice (I assume that was intentional, since you never make mistakes, you would never call a 4% marginal tax increase on income over $250,000 a forty percent tax increase).

    By the way, where are Romney's tax returns. After all, Obama gave y'all his short and then long form birth certificate like all you McCarthy types wanted. What's Romney hiding?

    And this will be great, Romney and Ryan can tell the country why the elderly have to give up the healthcare they paid into all their lives while the rich get even richer.

  5. EH

    I understand that Ryan's proposed changes do not change SS or Medicare for those over 55.

  6. Which means I can look forward to no Social Security and pay for Medicare out of my retirement plan.

    And since right now Medicare is in bad shape, I believe we can expect current Medicare and Social Security recipients to see their benefits cut late in January 2013, if Romney wins. Romney is just smart enough not to say that in the campaign.

  7. EH

    So SS and Medicare are not sustainable in their present form...? What would you propose?
    Is your retirement plan a defined benefit or what...I guess you will have to save more. .. Take an additional job..stop your profligate life style ..cut back your blog time and use that time to provide for your financial future.

  8. EH
    BHO put it to these good people ... But took care of his union buddies

    excerpt fm Malkin column:
    “I worked for 34 years at GM/Delphi Corp. When Delphi went bankrupt, we lost everything,” Dana Strickland of Michigan wrote me. “Because I was salaried (middle management), we lost our pension and health insurance. I did not belong to the union, so GM/Delphi could have cared less. I have never felt so betrayed. We never hear this brought to the public’s attention. People need to know how we were screwed, while the Obama administration kissed up to the union.”
    “I’m one of the Delphi Salaried Retirees that lost the health care, life insurance and 67 percent of the pension I was promised in retirement after working hard for 40 years,” Charles Stone of Michigan e-mailed. “Words cannot describe the frustration and let down these events have thrust on my family’s lives, and to have GM’s rescue all sugar-coated in the current political environment is like putting lipstick on a pig. … We will continue to fight to right this grievous wrong.”

  9. This is off the original post; but EH brought it up:

    Medicare has already been decimated with Obamacare. There is a 755 billion dollar cut coming at the start of 2013. That was given to us from Obama and friends with this "Affordable (?) Care Act that is often referred to as Obamacare - don't blame Paul Ryan and Romney.

    EH - you just have to know what's in the bill.

  10. Nine_El, the Republican solution for the unsustainable Social Security and Medicare is to cut benefits, raise taxes on the middle class by two grand a year and give the rich a 200 grand per person tax cut. Giving the rich more money and making the poor poorer is wise fiscal policy?

    I see you have the typical Republican attitude. Run up the deficit, wreck the economy and then say tough luck to the poor and people you caused to be unemployed.

    And quoting Michelle Malkin is hardly the way to convince anyone.

    Lefty Davenport, I googled 755 billion Obamacare and Medicare and got nothing. But whatever, your unsourced accusation is what's important.

  11. EH - unsourced allegation in your reply - so should I assume it is wrong?

  12. Ed. Ur 9:56. 200 grand per person ????
    Quote from her column not her. fromDana Strickland and Charles Stone
    Ed see what's coming ...liberal defeat and you are going to be apoplectic with rage at the unfairness of it all...

  13. Oops, sorry, 155 grand for the top 1 percent

    Satisfy your desire for sourcing.

    The quote was from Malkin, she wrote what she claims some few individuals wrote.

    I am apoplectic with rage at the ever widening income gap, with all the doors to exit poverty being slammed shut by the Republicans. How can you not be?

  14. Romney says he wants both campaigns to stop attacks on personal history.

    I can see conservatives are all over that.

  15. Pursue happiness ... It's attainment is not guaranteed...
    Sorry ..not rage ...the poor will always be with us
