January 22, 2013

We won't go back! (On the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Roe V. Wade)


  1. Someone better correct Dayvoe favorite source for talking points Media Matters and set them straight to not repeat anti-choice falsehoods.

    Abortion is the only thing in the Constitution that does not have limitations or can be regulated as found in the Emanations and Penumbra.

    An Enduring Falsehood: The National Review Online Marks Roe Anniversary By Rewriting the Court's Holding

    Roe and Doe v. Bolton (decided the same day) impose on all Americans a radical regime of essentially unrestricted abortion throughout pregnancy, all the way (under the predominant reading of Doe) until birth.

    "Unrestricted abortion throughout pregnancy" is not the "predominant" reading of Roe and Doe, and it has not been adopted by the Supreme Court. In fact, the Court [['s]] restated the opposite in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a case that upheld several abortion restrictions but preserved Roe's basic holding:

    According to progressives, Planned Parenthood v. Casey is wrongheaded insane Right wing judicial activism the same as Dred Scott, Heller and Citizen's United.

  2. Kill Babies HOORAH! >55,500,000 killed and counting! Yeah!

  3. Abortions did not begin with Roe V. Wade -- back alley abortions ended with Roe V Wade.

    Before Roe V. Wade, the number one cause of death of women of child-bearing age was complications from illegal abortions/abortion attempts.

    One day, maybe we can have a 'personhood' amendment for women and girls. (I can dream can't I?)

  4. Maria
    Were did you get the fact?

    Before Roe V. Wade, the number one cause of death of women of child-bearing age was complications from illegal abortions/abortion attempts.

    I would have thought the number one cause would be from complications from child birth.

    Or did the pro-choicers just say that all women who die from child birth were complications from illegal abortions/abortion attempts?

    So are abortion "rights" absolute or not?
