January 31, 2014

Well THIS is Certainly Embarrassing (UPDATED and Rewritten for Clarity)

From today's Tribune-Review.  It's the "Watch list" section of this week's "Pittsburgh Laurels & Lances."  Take a look:
Mike Doyle. Politico speculates that the 10-term 14th District congressman, a Democrat who represents Pittsburgh, could “ditch” his seat “in the near future” and lists a number of possible successors. Considering that about all Mr. Doyle has done in Washington is captain the Democratic Congressional Baseball Team, a change-up would be refreshing.
Here's the visual confirmation (as of 5:15 Friday morning) that it says that:

Why did I bother with the jpg file?

Because the speculation about Congressman Doyle was in Roll Call and NOT Politico.  It's tucked into a corner of this piece about what might happen if Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decides to run for President in 2016.  The byline on the piece reads:
By Emily Cahn
Roll Call Staff
Jan. 29, 2014, 7:43 p.m.
It's just so embarrassing for Scaife's braintrust, doncha think?  Sitting on such a huge news gathering organization and yet they can't get a simple citation correct.

Obviously, I am expecting this to be corrected sometime during the day.  And if it is, remember you read it here first!!

UPDATE: In an email, Congressman Mike Doyle said, "The only thing people will "watch" is my running an energetic campaign for reelection this year. I look forward to continuing to serve the people of the 14th district."

Let me interject some info I should have included in the first place. Cahn listed 5 individuals who make up "a long line of potential successors are waiting to hear [Doyle's] plans." They are:
  • Allegheny County Controller Chelsa Wagner 
  • Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto
  • State Sen. Matt Smith
  • Pittsburgh City Council Member Dan Gilman 
  • Lawyer Kevin Acklin, Peduto’s chief of staff 
I contacted them all for a comment on Cahn's piece.  The responses:

ANOTHER UPDATE: This time from Sonya Toler, Communications Manager for the Office of Mayor William Peduto, who  wrote,
"Mayor Peduto has repeatedly stated that serving the voters of Pittsburgh as Mayor is his highest aspiration. He's is not looking to climb the political ladder. Chief of Staff Kevin Acklin is equally as committed."
YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Council member Dan Gilman, in an email to the blog, wrote:
I remain 100% focused on doing the work of City Council that the people of District 8 elected me to do. I am committed to making the changes on which I campaigned-- excellent education for the children of Pittsburgh, 21st century city government, and support for small businesses, innovation, and start-up companies.
That's three of the five.  Still waiting on Wagner and Smith

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