February 14, 2014

Make Room For Kids

Got an email yesterday from my friend Ginny (yes, I know Virginia Montanez! And yes that surprises me too as she's w-a-a-a-a-y cooler than I am).

Anyway, she's got this thing called Make Room For Kids and for those of you who don't know:
Make Room for Kids began as a social media-driven fundraising effort designed to bring gaming to sick children at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, and is now an official extension of the Austin’s Playroom Project at the Mario Lemieux Foundation.
They raise money (Ginny says that in the last four years it's over $80,000), they bring gaming consoles to sick kids, they make challenging life situations just a little easier.  It's a mitzvah all the way around.

 Well, this year, they're expanding:
Transplant kids. Cancer kids. “Frequent Fliers.” The pediatric unit at AGH. And the entirety of The Children’s Home.

That’s how many sick children the Mario Lemieux Foundation’s Make Room for Kids program in partnership with regional Microsoft employees, has brought gaming and diversions to over the last four years.

Today we’re launching a new campaign in the hopes of raising the funds needed to bring distractions to three additional units within Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
And Ginny needs your help.  You can head over to this site for the details.

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