April 3, 2014

Just a reminder


  1. Reminder since Corporations are not people and not entitles any Constitutional rights the NSA/US Government can demand all their records at any time.

    BTW Government are people so they invoke their Constitutional rights to hide embarrassing actions from the public.

    See Naria's boss Bill Peduto not commenting on the cop who falsely arrested a black teacher and now they are sweep it under the rug.

    Care to comment Maria?

  2. An individual not commenting on something is sweeping it under the rug?

  3. See the Cheshire Police
    Department who will not comment on their actions of just setting up a perimeter, waiting over 1/2 hour for when the house was set on fire and the murders ran out, lying about when they got there and congratulated themselves for a job well done in Cheshire home invasion murders.

  4. Cheshire murders: Documentary raises questions but cops aren't answering
    Cheshire murders: Six years after a deadly home invasion, officials still refuse to answer questions about the emergency response by the Cheshire police department.

  5. Its a red herring. As you typically do, you've managed to dig up something totally unrelated, while claiming its exactly the same. Your avatar is telling, you are as witless as a Gumby.

  6. I had hoped you would point out that I am being unfair to the Cheshire Police Department and spinning the fact in a unfair manner.

    Surprised you didn't defend the Cheshire Police Department and Officer Jonathan Gromek behavior.

    Any circumstances where there is any potential for a cop to be hurt justifies the harming/death/suspension of rights of citizens.
    The first rule of policing: Get home alive.
    Only Law Enforcement can criticize Law Enforcement.

  7. Your implication is that an individual refusing to comment on an ongoing civil case is somehow "sweeping it under the rug." And I didn't imply that you were being unfair to the Cheshire PD, I'm pointing out that it has nothing to do with your allegation that Pittsburgh's Mayor is implicit in some sort of coverup.
