November 18, 2014

PodCamp Pittsburgh 9!

This is a non-political announcement.

PodCamp Pittsburgh has returned!

It describes itself as a "social, new media un-conference." Though I am not sure exactly what that means.  But then again I am neither "social" or "new" so what do I know?

They go on to say:
In 2014, we’ll have a variety of sessions designed to give you a local source of creative inspiration. You’ll learn how to get started (or how to grow) sharing what you do with the world through blogs, social media, videos, and all other types of online media. You’ll find out what (and how to use) the latest tools others are using to accomplish awesome things. We hope you’ll take the opportunity to engage with other attendees and speakers who share your passion and drive, and may even inspire something in you that you didn’t know was there.
The sessions are here.

My friend Sue has a session and my friend Cynthia has one as well.

Looks to be very enlightening!

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